
Elevate Your Brewery’s Reach with Facebook Premium and Instagram Ads

At Digital Specialized, we understand the importance of connecting with your audience where they are – on social media. That’s why we offer specialized Facebook Premium and Instagram Ads tailored specifically for breweries like yours.

Why Choose Facebook Premium Ads for Your Brewery

Our Facebook Premium service goes beyond traditional Facebook advertising to ensure your brewery is seen and stands out in the crowded digital landscape.

Maximize Your Brewery’s Reach with Facebook Ad Placements

Expand your brewery’s digital footprint and connect with your audience where they spend their time – on Facebook. With a variety of ad placements tailored to suit different user behaviors and preferences, you can effectively showcase your beers, events, and unique experiences to a targeted audience. From News Feed ads to Messenger ads and beyond, discover the power of Facebook ad placements to elevate your brewery’s online presence and drive engagement.

Did you know? When advertising across the entire Facebook family of apps, conversion rates were 8x higher than audiences only exposed to placement on Facebook.

Facebook Ads for Wineries
  • Facebook News Feed Ads:
    • These ads appear directly in the News Feeds of the users you are targeting, across all devices, and look like regular posts.
    • We exclusively run News Feed ads, ensuring that your ads are seamlessly integrated into users’ browsing experience and maximizing their visibility and engagement.
  • Facebook News Feed Search Ads:
    • Ads appear in the search results listings in general search and Marketplace search.
    • Facebook decides when to show the ad based on the content of your ad and how closely it matches what is being searched and the targeting you’ve selected for your campaign.
    • Like other News Feed ads, News Feed Search Ads use the same creative as your Facebook News Feed campaign, ensuring a consistent brand experience across platforms and maximizing your ad’s visibility and relevance to users’ search queries.
  • Facebook Audience Network (FAN):
    • Extend your reach beyond Facebook by targeting users when they are on other apps that Facebook has partnered with.
    • FAN ads use the same creative as your Facebook News Feed campaign and format the ad to fit the app where it is appearing, ensuring a consistent brand experience across platforms and maximizing your ad’s reach and impact.
  • Facebook Marketplace Ads:
    • Reach users when they are in the mood to buy by placing ads in the Facebook Marketplace.
    • By using the same creative as your Facebook News Feed campaign, Marketplace Ads enable you to connect with users who are actively browsing for products and services, increasing the likelihood of driving conversions and sales.
Facebook Ads for Wineries
  • Facebook Messenger Ads:
    • Ads appear between text conversations in Facebook Messenger, reaching users in a more personal and interactive setting.
    • By using the same creative as your Facebook News Feed campaign, Messenger Ads provide a cohesive brand experience across platforms and enable you to engage users directly within their messaging app.
  • Facebook Stories Ads:
    • Stories appear at the top of the News Feed and can include both photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours.
    • With Facebook Stories Ads, your ad can appear in between users’ Stories, providing a unique and immersive advertising experience.
    • While the ad uses the same creative as your Facebook News Feed campaign, it is formatted differently to seamlessly integrate into the Stories format and capture users’ attention.

Instagram News Feed & Stories Ads

Connect with your audience on Instagram through our customized News Feed Ads and Stories Ads. Showcase your brewery’s essence with captivating visuals that resonate with your followers.

Did you know? 87% of Instagram users made a purchase decision based on something they saw on Instagram.

  • Instagram News Feed Ads:
    • Dive into your brewery’s world with Instagram News Feed Ads.
    • Whether it’s featuring your latest beer releases, sharing behind-the-scenes moments from the brewery, or highlighting unique tasting experiences, these ads let you visually share your story.
    • With options for custom call-to-action buttons like “Learn More” or “Shop Now,” you can effortlessly guide users to explore your website or make direct purchases.
  • Instagram Stories Ads:
    • Engage your audience with immersive storytelling through Instagram Stories Ads.
    • Seamlessly blending into users’ Stories, these ads offer a glimpse into your beermaking process, virtual tasting rooms, or exclusive promotions.
    • With interactive elements like polls and swipe-up links, you can encourage direct interaction and drive traffic to your website or events.

Dynamic Ad Formats for Breweries

  • Carousel Ads:
    • Carousel ads allow you to showcase up to 10 images or videos within a single ad unit, each linking to any page on your website.
    • This format is ideal for telling a visual story, presenting a product line, or highlighting various aspects of your brewery.
    • With customizable Call-To-Action buttons like “Call Now,” “Learn More,” or “Shop Now,” engage your audience and guide them towards meaningful actions.
    • With Carousel Ads, you have the flexibility to feature different beers, behind-the-scene brewing, tasting experiences, or upcoming events in a single, engaging advertisement.
  • Collection Ads:
    • Collection Ads provide a visually immersive experience for users by combining a cover image or video with product images.
    • For your brewery, this format can showcase your beers in a captivating way, allowing users to browse through your offerings directly from their mobile phones.
    • Whether you want to feature new releases, award-winning vintages, or beer club exclusives, Collection Ads make it easy for users to discover more about your beers and engage with your brand.
    • Event Response Ads:
      • Event ads are specifically designed to promote events hosted by your brewery, such as beer tastings, brewery tours, or special events.
      • By using Event Response Ads, you can encourage users to take action, such as RSVPing to an event or learning more.
      • This format is invaluable for increasing attendance and engagement for your brewery’s events, ensuring that you attract beer enthusiasts and potential customers to your venue.
    • Lead Ads:
      • Lead Ads simplify the process of collecting lead information from potential customers, enabling you to build your email list and nurture relationships with potential customers.
      • These ads, whether presented as a single image, carousel, or video, allow users to conveniently submit their contact details directly through the ad, benefiting both you and potential customers.
      • Customize the Call-To-Action button to prompt users to complete a short lead form, which can be emailed to you or downloaded from your “Admin” page.
      • Lead Ads can be used to gather information from users interested in joining your beer club, attending a special event, or receiving exclusive offers and promotions.

    Effective Facebook Advertising Strategies

    Reaching the right audience is essential for the success of your advertising campaigns.

    Did you know?

    • On average only 2% of your Facebook page followers will see one of your organic posts on their Facebook feed.
    • Increasingly Facebook is saying that you should assume a day will come when the organic reach (to your page followers in their news feed) is zero.

    Harnessing Behavior for Targeted Advertising Success:

    • By delving into behavioral categories, we dissect user habits, preferences, and actions to craft highly targeted ad campaigns. Whether it’s beer enthusiasts, frequent event-goers, or those interested in brewery tours, we pinpoint the most relevant audiences to ensure your ads resonate with potential customers. With our strategic approach, you can connect with individuals based on their behavior, maximizing engagement and driving conversions for your brewery.

    Targeting Specific Audiences: 

    • Our Facebook Premium service allows us to match email or phone databases to customers’ Facebook accounts. This powerful capability enables us to target ads specifically to those individuals. It’s a highly effective way to connect with existing customers or leads, providing a personalized advertising experience.
    Facebook Ads for Wineries

    Expand with Look-Alike Audience Targeting: 

    • Expanding your customer base is a common goal for businesses. With Look-Alike Audience targeting, we take your customer database and find new customer profiles that closely match your existing customer base. This means you can expand your reach and connect with potential customers who share characteristics and interests with your current clients. It’s a strategy that can lead to substantial growth for your business.

    Ready to maximize your brewery’s digital presence? Unlock the full potential of your brewery’s advertising efforts with Facebook Premium and Instagram Ads from Digital Specialized.

    Contact us today to get started and elevate your brewery’s reach in the digital realm. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to expand your business’s digital presence and connect with your audience in meaningful ways.

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