
Your Questions Answered

Welcome to Digital Specialized’s FAQ page, where we address the most common questions and concerns regarding our digital marketing services. If you’re looking to boost your online presence, increase leads, or improve your overall digital strategy, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s dive into your queries.

At Digital Specialized, we understand that you may have questions about our services, processes, and how we can best cater to your unique digital marketing needs. We’ve compiled this comprehensive FAQ section to address some of the most common inquiries that our clients often have.

Whether you’re a Cannabis or CBD Oil dispensary, vape store, winery, or brewery, we’re dedicated to providing tailored digital marketing solutions to help your business thrive in the online landscape. Our commitment to transparency and exceptional customer service is at the core of everything we do.

Explore our FAQs below and discover how we can help you achieve your digital marketing goals. Your success is our priority, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

What is Digital Specialized, and what services do you offer?

Digital Specialized is a full-service digital marketing agency. We offer a wide range of services, including but not limited to:

  • Digital Marketing Ads
  • Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC)
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Video and Audio Marketing
  • Live Chat
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Analytics and Reporting
How can digital marketing benefit my business?

Digital marketing can benefit your business by increasing your online visibility and brand awareness, driving targeted traffic, generating leads, and improving your overall ROI. It’s a cost-effective way to reach your target audience and build a strong online presence.  That digital presence turns into in-store presence and sales.

Is digital marketing suitable for my small business?

Absolutely! Digital marketing is a scalable and flexible strategy that can be tailored to suit businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re a small business or have many locations, we can create a customized plan to meet your specific goals and budget.

How do I know which digital marketing services I need?

We will work closely with you to assess your business objectives and recommend the services that will best meet your goals. We’ll create a customized strategy that aligns with your unique needs and budget.

What are the next steps?

Scheduling a Consultation: At Digital Specialized, we value the opportunity to understand your business and its unique requirements. To initiate the process, please use this link to schedule a virtual consultation meeting with us.

Comprehensive Business Consultation: During this meeting, we will have a comprehensive discussion to thoroughly understand your business, its specific needs, and your long term goals. This personalized consultation allows us to tailor our services to your unique requirements.

What is the process to launch a campaign?
  1. Initial Consultation: We start off by scheduling a meeting to comprehensively understand your business, its unique aspects, and your specific objectives.
  2. Customized Strategy Proposal: Subsequently, we meticulously craft and present a strategic proposal designed to achieve your outlined objectives. This proposal is the result of a thorough analysis of your industry and business needs.
  3. Contract Agreement: Once you’re satisfied with the proposed strategies, we formalize our commitment through the signing of a contract that outlines our mutual obligations and responsibilities.
  4. Onboarding Meeting: An onboarding meeting is convened to delve into the creative aspects (including who is responsible for ad creative), discuss landing page optimization, and finalize all the finer details of the campaign. We collaborate to ensure that every facet aligns with your vision.
  5. Landing Page Optimization: Together, we work diligently to optimize your website with a compelling landing page that is tailored to convert your incoming web traffic effectively. This is a crucial step in maximizing the success of your campaign.
  6. Creative Content Approval: If Digital Specialized is creating the ad content, we seek your approval for the creative content we’ve developed. This ensures it resonates with your brand identity and effectively communicates your message.
  7. Final Campaign Launch Approval: Prior to launching the campaign, we await your final approval, ensuring that every element is precisely aligned with your expectations.

To read more about our process click here.

What does Digital Specialized offer for ongoing campaign support?

Monthly Progress Review Meetings: At Digital Specialized, we place a high emphasis on transparency and accountability. As part of our commitment to ensuring the success of your campaign, we conduct monthly progress review meetings. During these meetings, we review the monthly report with you to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the campaign’s performance.

Strategic Planning and Ongoing Optimization: These meetings also serve as a platform for in-depth discussions regarding any necessary adjustments to the creative aspects of your campaign. We proactively address any upcoming events, promotions, or sales initiatives in the upcoming three months. This strategic planning allows us to align your marketing efforts with your business objectives. It also helps us optimize the campaign for continued success.

Our focus on regular, structured communication and ongoing campaign refinement underscores our dedication to delivering exceptional digital marketing services tailored to the unique needs of your business.

To read more about our on going support click here.

Can I use my own ad creative?

Absolutely! Feel free to use your own ad creative. We’ll provide you with the necessary ad specs and make sure that your creative aligns with the platform’s guidelines and specifications. Your unique touch inherently captures your brand voice.


To read more about our creative inclusions click here.

What Initial Creative is Included?

Creative Development Process: For each campaign at Digital Specialized, we provide a comprehensive creative development process, ensuring that your digital marketing materials align seamlessly with your business’s branding and platform requirements.

In-Depth Creative Meeting: As part of this process, we initiate an in-depth creative meeting dedicated to understanding your business’s unique identity, branding guidelines, and objectives.

Customized Creatives with Revision: Following this meeting, we craft a set of customized creatives tailored to your business’s branding, look, and feel, taking into account the specific platform requirements. We provide one round of revision at no additional cost, ensuring that the creative materials meet your precise expectations.

Our approach guarantees that the creative components of your campaign resonate with your brand identity and effectively communicate your message to your target audience.

To read more about our creative inclusions click here.

What Ongoing Creative is Included?

Creative Adjustments and Redesign: At Digital Specialized, we offer a flexible approach to meet your creative needs, and the redesign fee is adjusted based on your monthly campaign amount.

Monthly Quick Adjustments: Each month, we provide a complimentary service for quick and simple changes to your creative materials. These changes are designed to help you keep your content fresh and up-to-date.

Extensive Redesign and Charges: For more extensive changes or a complete redesign, we offer this service at a nominal charge. The redesign fee is determined based on your monthly campaign amount. As a rule of thumb, the higher your monthly campaign amount, the lower the redesign fee. This ensures that your creative materials are professionally tailored to your business requirements while accommodating the scale of your campaign.

Our goal is to provide you with the flexibility and support needed to keep your digital marketing materials in line with your goals, while also offering cost-effective solutions based on your campaign’s size.

To read more about our creative inclusions click here.

Where can I find out more about your Process and Support?

You can access detailed information about our digital marketing process and ongoing support by visiting our dedicated page at Digital Specialized Process and Support. This comprehensive resource provides insights into our tailored approach, creative support, and how we ensure your digital marketing success.

What is SEO, and why is it essential for my website?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the process of optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results. It’s crucial because it helps increase organic (non-paid) traffic to your site, making it more accessible to potential customers and improving your online visibility.

What is the difference between SEO and PPC advertising?

SEO is organic and focuses on improving your website’s ranking in search engines. PPC, or Pay-Per-Click, involves paid advertising where you pay for each click on your ads on Google. The choice between the two depends on your goals and budget.

How is success of my digital marketing campaigns measured?

We provide detailed analytics and reporting to track the performance of your campaigns. Key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, conversion rates, click-through rates, and ROI are monitored and reported to you on a monthly basis.

What is the typical timeframe for seeing results with digital marketing?

The typical timeframe for observing results in digital marketing campaigns can vary depending on factors such as the strategies used, your objectives, industry, and competitive landscape. You might start noticing positive changes, like increased website traffic and engagement, in a couple of weeks. However, achieving substantial results, such as a significant boost in conversions and return on investment (ROI), may take multiple months of consistent effort and refinement.


The typical timeframe for observing results in digital marketing can vary significantly depending on several factors, including your specific objectives, industry, and competition. In general:

  1. Short-Term Results: You may start to see some short-term results, such as increased website traffic or improved click-through rates, within a few weeks to a couple of months after launching a digital marketing campaign.
  2. Mid-Term Results: Achieving more substantial goals, such as lead generation and audience engagement, often takes a few months of consistent effort and campaign optimization.
  3. Long-Term Results: For substantial, long-term growth, such as significant revenue increase and brand authority, it may take several months to a year or more, depending on the complexity of your digital marketing strategy and your industry.

Remember that patience and ongoing effort are often required to achieve the best results in digital marketing. It’s a dynamic and evolving field where continuous adjustments and improvements lead to long-term success.

Billing Currency and Taxation?

Digital Specialized employs a structured billing system that aligns with international standards. Our charges are in USD for the United States and CAD for Canada. In Canada, a 13% HST is applied as part of the taxation process. If you have further questions about billing or require specific details, please reach out to us.

Where can I find Digital Specialized's Privacy Policy?

Digital Specialized takes your privacy seriously. Click here to read our Privacy Policy.

What are the Terms of Use for using Digital Specialized's website?

You can read our Terms of Use here.  If you have any questions about them don’t hesitate to contact us using the form below or emailing us at info@digitalspecialized.com.

How do I contact Digital Specialized?

There are multiple ways you can contact us:

  • You can fill out the contact us form below on this page
  • You can go to our Contact Us page and fill out the form there.
  • You can send an email to: info@digitalspecialized.com.
  • You can book a meeting with us here.

Thank you for taking the time to explore our FAQs. At Digital Specialized, we’re committed to empowering your business with effective digital marketing strategies. We hope this section has provided you with valuable insights and information.

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