
Cannabis Dispensary Digital Marketing Success Story



Achieving the Highest Performance with Native Targeting

In the dynamic world of cannabis marketing, innovation is the name of the game. Join us in this blog post as we discuss the captivating success story of a local cannabis dispensary that elevated its brand awareness and website traffic through a strategic shift to Native marketing. Discover how cutting-edge techniques, including Artificial Intelligence, propelled their Click-Through Rate (CTR) to an impressive 0.20%. This remarkable transformation showcases the power of adaptability and creativity in the competitive cannabis industry. Let’s dive into their journey and glean insights that could shape your own cannabis marketing strategies.



A locally-owned cannabis dispensary embarked on a mission to boost brand awareness and drive traffic to its website. The challenge was clear: standing out in the competitive cannabis industry required innovative strategies and a fresh approach to digital marketing.



In the initial year of this campaign, our client opted for digital display ads employing Geo-Fencing, Behavioral, and Retargeting targeting strategies. However, in a rapidly evolving industry, it was evident that change was needed to keep pace and stay ahead. Thus, the decision was made to switch to Native targeting, incorporating an array of advanced strategies, including Artificial Intelligence, Behavioral, Keyword, Geo-Fencing/Geo-Retargeting, and Retargeting.

The Behavioral categories selected were carefully curated to resonate with potential cannabis product consumers, encompassing Health Conditions, Pain Management, and Alternative & Natural Medicine. The introduction of Artificial Intelligence was a game-changer, enabling us to identify and engage with audiences whose behaviors and interests might not typically align with cannabis consumption. This diversified approach allowed us to focus our efforts where we saw the most promising results.



At the conclusion of the first year of the campaign, an overall Click-Through Rate (CTR) of 0.13% was achieved, a commendable performance within the cannabis/marijuana industry. However, the real breakthrough came with the transition to Native targeting.

Over the last 5 months, the overall CTR soared to an impressive 0.19%, and recently reached an outstanding 0.20%. Artificial Intelligence emerged as a star player, delivering the majority of impressions and maintaining an average CTR of 0.26-0.28%. This underscores AI’s capacity to adapt its targeting to reach individuals most likely to be interested and actively seeking the client’s products or services.

Behavioral Native and Geo-Retargeting strategies also played pivotal roles, accounting for the bulk of remaining impressions and consistently achieving an average CTR of 0.13-0.15%. Notably, this CTR exceeded the overall campaign performance during its first year.

Furthermore, the campaign witnessed an exceptional surge in conversions over the last 3 months, nearly quadrupling the monthly average prior to the strategy switch. This remarkable growth in conversions is a testament to the potency of the new Native targeting approach.

  • Year One CTR: 0.13% (considered high in the cannabis industry)
  • After switching to Native targeting:
    • Overall CTR in the last 5 months: 0.19% (recently up to 0.20%)
    • AI’s role: Maintaining an average CTR of 0.26-0.28%
    • Behavioral Native and Geo-Retargeting: Average CTR of 0.13-0.15% (higher than year one)
  • Conversions in the last 3 months: Nearly quadrupled the monthly average before the strategy switch


In conclusion, this cannabis dispensary’s journey from conventional digital marketing to the innovative Native targeting approach has yielded outstanding results. With increased brand visibility, a higher CTR, and a substantial boost in conversions, this success story serves as an inspiring example of how adaptability and innovation can drive exceptional outcomes in the ever-evolving cannabis industry.

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